Parent Involvement

Introduction to Homeschooling Bootcamp Sessions
Next Session: October 5, 2019, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
The Lab holds a "homeschool" Bootcamp workshop at the start of each semester. The sessions are co-led by a Lab teacher and a parent-leader. During the workshop, parents learn about the various learning platforms used at the Lab or in their homeschool settings and build proficiency in using them. An overview of The Lab's educational approach and how to support your student's experience here is also offered, as well as ideas for how to support your child's academic work in the home. If you are interested in registering for the workshop click here. Note: This is an adult-only event. Please make childcare arrangements.
Parent Volunteers
There are many ways for parents to get involved at The Lab. Parents help organize and chaperone field trips, assist teachers in the classroom with special projects, provide healthy snacks, help with the "coffee bar" parent meet & greets in the morning, managing the virtual field trip program, and help with the WOW! global literacy programming, and art & cooking workshops by sharing their own heritage, history and family recipies etc. If you are interested in volunteering click here.

Parent Advisory Team
The Parent Support Team assists with a range of activities at The Lab from working in the classroom to helping with fundraising to offering special workshops and events. The PST suggests and plans one special event at the Lab each quarter for Lab families. The PST meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. If you are interested in volunteering to serve on the PST please click here and a parent will be in touch with you soon.