Dear Lab Families,
As most of you are aware, Governor Newsom released new stay-at-home orders for the State based on local ICU capacity. Los Angeles County is currently below 15% capacity and is subject to these new orders.
Under these orders, organizations serving school-aged children like the Lab may continue operating at 20% capacity with mandatory mask wearing and appropriate safety protocols.
Based on this, The Lab will continue offering on-site classes this week and will reassess the situation this Friday.
Now, more than ever, we are a team. If you, your child or anyone in your household has been exposed to COVID or display COVID symptoms, please keep your child home and let us know immediately so we can assure others' safety.
If you have ANY concern that your child may have been exposed, please keep them at home and have them join class virtually instead -- the links to the Zoom classrooms are on our website at
Also, if you are experiencing food or housing insecurity due to economic hardship from COVID, please let us know and we will try to help. Email Lyndee at or Mr. T at or call Bertha.
We will get through this together!
With hope and love,
Lyndee and Mr. T and the Board of Directors