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Update on Fall Classes at The Lab

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

Dear Lab Families and Students,

This is an update regarding our plans for Fall 2020. We are planning to offer ON-SITE classes this Fall at The Lab. Enrollment for ON-SITE classes will be limited to 50 students. We have engaged a space planner to help us create a warm, inviting space for our students and teachers that also aligns with public health guidelines for maintaining a safe space.

We will ALSO be providing a VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE OPTION for students with higher risk family members or whose families prefer they not attend on-site.

We anticipate that there may be periods during the Fall when the public health situation may require that all attendance shift to virtual and we are preparing for this. Over the next 6 weeks we will be working to incorporate "best practices" in virtual learning and community building into our approach to make sure these moments are as enriching and engaging as possible.

We are forming a TASK FORCE to assist us in preparing for the Fall and would like to invite interested parents and students to serve on this Task Force. Please email and let us know if you would be willing to serve. We will be meeting weekly by Zoom starting the last week in July.

Also a reminder that SB 98 has had a significant negative impact on available space in Non-Classroom Based (NCB) Charters for this Fall so be sure to confirm your child’s enrollment with their NCB charter now for this Fall!

If you know someone who is wanting to homeschool this Fall but isn't currently enrolled in a NCB charter, remind them that they do not have to be enrolled in a NCB charter to homeschool. They can file a Public School Affidavit (PSA) with the state. While they won't receive instructional funds, they can still attend Lab and other enrichment classes as private pay students, and have significantly more freedom and say over their child's education.

Please take a minute and LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL BE RETURNING to The Lab this Fall and whether your child will be attending on-site or virtually. We will hold a space open for them. Click the link to fill out the intent-to-return form:

We look forward to hearing from you.


Lyndee and Mr. T

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