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Congratulations 8th Graders! & Plans for Summer & Fall

Congratulations 8th Graders!

Dear 8th graders,

We are so proud of you! Congratulations for all your great work at The Lab over the past year (and the years before that). We are excited to see what you do next. Next week you will each receive a copy of Mr. T's comments to you during the graduation ceremony and your Certificate from The Lab.

Here is the link to the Lean on Me video (with a late breaking addition!) for you and your family to keep.

So watch the mail!

And remember even though you have "graduated" from the Lab enrichment program - you can STILL join us on our weekly virtual field trips and come back to Volunteer!!!


Lyndee, Mr. T, Michelle, Kathryn, Bertha

Next Week is the Last Week for Family Huddles - Schedule Now!

Parents/guardians please schedule your 45-minute Zoom Huddle with Mr. T and Michelle this week! This is your opportunity to check-in with your Lab advisor about your child's strengths and growth areas & develop a plan for the summer.

Please click on this link to see Mr. T or Michelle's available times and to schedule. Please do so quickly. Spaces are filling-up and next week is the last week for Huddles. All Huddles will be held over Zoom. If the available times don't work for you, please email your Lab advisor privately to arrange an alternative time.

FREE Summer Virtual Field trips EVERY Wednesday from 10-12

The Lab will be holding FREE virtual field trips every Wednesday from 10-12 - Starting Wednesday June 17th. We will be adventuring around the world, learning and having fun and staying connected with each other. Join us!

Use this Zoom link to join for Mr. T's students (4th-8th):

Use this Zoom link to join for Ms. Michelle's (K=3rd/4th):

Planning Both On-Site & Virtual Classes for Fall

The Lab is planning on operating on-site classes this Fall, depending on guidance from the State and Long Beach Health Departments and will be following their guidance for operating at that time. We will also be offering ways to attend classes virtually for families who prefer virtual attendance.

Lab staff will be working over the summer to prepare our facility to re-open in the Fall and to create some "razzle-dazzle" for virtual attendance options.

Feel free to reach out to Lyndee with any questions. We will keep you posted as the Summer progresses and Fall approaches.

Please let us know if you will be returning to The Lab in The Fall

Please let us know if your child will be returning or not returning to The Lab this Fall. Please Email to let us know. This will help us enormously as we develop our staffing and plans for the Fall.

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