Price List for Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Enrollment in Lab classes is by the semester*.
*30-day notification required to disenroll
2-Day Drop-off Windows to Our World! (WOW!) Program
Enrollment limited to 25 students per section
$1500 per semester
Grades: K - 8th
Location: On-site or Synchronous Virtual Attendance via Zoom
Instructors: T Thompson, K Forrest, M Rodriguez
Levels: K-1st/Emerging reader, 2nd-4th/Early fluent, 4th-8th/Fluent
Choose 1 section:
Section 1: M, Tu 9-3
Section 2: W, Th 9-3
9-9:30 Independence Skills and Leadership
9:30-11:30 Great Books and Great Author's Workshop
11:30-12:30 Study Jam (Academic tutoring)
12:30-1:00 Lunch break
1:00-3:00 PBL Curiosity Studios
A La Carte Classes
email lyndee.knox@lablearning.org for information on a la carte pricing)
Global Book and Writing Club (2 hours x 3 days/wk)
Section 1: M-W 9:30-11:30
Section 2: T-Th 9:30-11:30
Location: On-site or Synchronous Virtual Attendance via Zoom
Instructors: T Thompson, K Forrest, M Rodriguez
Levels: Emerging readers, Early Fluent, Fluent (K-8th)
Curiosity Studio Project Based Learning (2 hours x 3 days/wk)
Section 1: M-W 1:00-3:00
Section 2: T-Th 1:00-3:00
Location:: On-site or Synchronous Virtual Attendance via Zoom
Instructors: T Thompson, K Forrest, M Rodriguez
Levels: K-1st, 2nd-4th, 4th-8th
Science Lab (2 hours x 1 day a week)
Thursdays: 3:00-4:30
Location:: On-site or Synchronous Virtual Attendance via Zoom
Instructor: Torry Thompson, Kathryn Forrest
Levels: K-3rd, 4th-8th
Tutoring - Independence Skills, Goal Setting, General academics (by appointment)
Location:: On-site or Synchronous Virtual Attendance via Zoom
Instructors: Torry Thompson, Kathryn Forrest